Welcome to The Weird Works! Podcast. This podcast was designed to create a space where conversations about alternative healthcare topics can occur in an open platform without judgment. We will bring the facts that support sometimes controversial subjects in an attempt to break down barriers towards accessing true healthcare. All too often, alternative care is sought after as a last resort rather than a first step. This podcast will provide the evidence that you need in order to make informed decisions about your health, to empower you with the facts that you need to take your health into your own hands, and to encourage you that There is Hope, Your Body Heals! Join us to hear from experts of all things weird as well as the testimonies of people with stories of radical healing who were once told that their condition was a death sentence, that they would just need to live with it, or that drugs and surgery were the only answer.
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Episode 9: The Power of the Curve
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Facing life changing surgery in an attempt to correct 116 degrees of scoliosis curves, Christine Whitmarsh was given three distinct and distinctly terrifying odds – paralysis, death, or coming out of the surgery alive and functional, free to resume her nineteen year old life. Up until that moment, Christine’s life had been fairly normal as a slightly neurotic, hyper achieving, rail thin, towheaded New England teenager with ambitions to become “the next Barbara Walters.” Her life after the surgery would eventually become normal too, albeit a new sort of normal, as an entrepreneur, professional creative, and, unexpectedly, in the fourth decade of her life, a circus artist, but this story isn’t about navigating normal. Join us as Dr Kristy Harvell discusses Christine’s incredible story of hope and her book The Power of the Curve: A Memoir About Finding Strength in Life’s Surprises.
Christine’s Website: https://christine-ink.com/
Your Daily Writing Habit Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-daily-writing-habit/id1467760106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TellAGreatStory/
Links: www.healthbydesignfl.com
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Dr. Longyear’s passion for helping others comes from a personal experience. Having gone through a traumatic football injury that left him paralyzed during his sophomore year in high school, he beat the odds and did what the doctors said wasn’t possible. After feeling defeated hearing that he would never walk again, he used their words as fuel to drive his rehab and he walked out of the hospital a month later. Since that time, he has dedicated himself to helping others defy the odds and never accept their new normal. In his own case, none of his doctors really had a consistent diagnosis, so, he started researching his case. His passion led him to study many disciplines: Chiropractic, Neurology, Psychology, Functional Medicine, and Energy Medicine, just to name a few. These disciplines have all helped him design his unique brand of health care and he is helping people heal from conditions that all other medical therapies could not heal in his practice in Jacksonville, Florida.
Dr. Michael Longyear: https://www.brainoi.com/
Get his book Never Accept Your New Normal: The Story of Using Neuroscience to Turn Trauma in Triumph https://www.amazon.com/Never-Accept-Your-New-Normal/dp/1735977306/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=never+accept+your+new+normal&qid=1605192371&sr=8-1
Links: www.healthbydesignfl.com
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Episode 7: Finding the best version of yourself
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Kay Jones is a certified health and life coach, with a master's degree in counseling and coaching, who’s mission is to help their women over 40 live their best life. Kay and Dr. Kristy talk about how we sometimes fall into the trap of believing preconceived notions about aging (you will gain weight, you will have chronic health conditions, etc.) and how we can fall into self-fulfilling prophesies with our behaviors. Educating yourself, getting professional help, forming new habits, and having a positive “health-focused” mindset are all tools that are discussed on today’s show.
Kay Jones: https://www.kayjones.com/
Links: www.healthbydesignfl.com
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Episode 6: The power of persistence
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Sharlie shares her 11-year journey that finally led to the birth of her daughter, Kingsley. This is a story of a family’s persistence and determination despite the odds against them. It is an example of God’s promise and how he uses people like you and me along the way to create miracles. Sharlie shares her journey through infertility, using alternative therapies like essential oils and nutritional supplements, the power of prayer, adoption, foster parenting, and surrogacy to build the family she always dreamed of. Sharlie encourages our listeners to never give up on their dreams or to accept no as the final answer. Now that she has a daughter, she tells us how she plans to use everything she has learned about natural medicine to keep her strong and healthy.
Links: www.healthbydesignfl.com
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Episode 5: Cancer is not my path
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Robyn joins us shortly after her 70th birthday! She shares her 22-year journey after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Like so many following a cancer diagnosis, Robyn describes the fast track of traditional medicine through surgery, chemo, and recommendations for radiation. Robyn used her intuition, alternative therapy, healthy diet, nutritional supplementation, and positive self-talk to heal from cancer as well as the medications. Robyn advocated for herself to get to the route of her body’s dysfunction in order to fully heal and prevent the recurrence of her cancer. This included saying no thank you to traditional doctors’ recommendations for more invasive courses of care. Despite criticism from friends, family, and doctors, she has remained cancer-free, continues to live a holistic lifestyle, and has never looked back on being a cancer patient. Robyn focuses on staying in high vibration and she teaches us how to do the same.
“I hope my words can help someone else in some way. I know how alone I felt 22 years ago when I didn't know anyone who had survived ovarian cancer. And even the nurses at the hospital gave me a dire prognosis. I hope I was able to give hope to someone or to more than one "someone".” -Robyn
Resources mentioned: Brene Brown, "Braving the Wilderness", Louise Hay, "You Can Heal Your Life", Pema Chodron, "Comfortable With Uncertainty","When Things Fall Apart" Donna Eden, "Energy Medicine" Marc Brackett, "Permission to Feel" "Radical Remission" (Surviving Cancer Against All Odds) by Kelly A. Turner, Heal documentary on Netflix, Karol K. Truman, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die”
Links: robynnemes@comcast.net about “Women Rowing North” virtual journaling workshop Image: Women Rowing North photo.jpeg
You can schedule your free Discovery Session by signing up at www.healthbydesignfl.com/free-discovery-session https://www.facebook.com/HealthByDesignFL/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0-dIX7KXSr9t4HK-f69Lfg https://www.instagram.com/healthbydesignfl/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/healthbydesignfl/
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Episode 4: Chasing Cupcakes
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Topics of discussion: include mindset for making changes, weight loss, dealing with unexpected tragedy, intention, getting long-term results, positive self-talk
Notes: What do tragic loss, food and finances have in common? They all require mindset in order to navigate through. If you have ever felt like an imposter, putting on a positive social veneer to cover up your fears or protect others from weakness then you will benefit from this.
Author Elizabeth Benton teaches us to put our energy towards to solutions rather than giving more energy to the problem. Listen as she breaks down the big picture into practical daily steps that we can put into action. Elizabeth shares her own emotional eating story with being the “token fat kid” in her family. Her experience helps us recognize the stories that we have been telling ourselves.
This content is powerful to learn how to make sustainable long-term changes rather than following the latest fad. Get the most out of your money, time and effort by approaching the route of your limitations rather than applying a temporary band-aid.
Primal Potential podcast https://primalpotential.com/primal-potential-podcast/
Social Media @ElizabethBenton
Health by Design: www.healthbydesignfl.com
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Episode 3: Born to Be Brave and Saved
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Topics of discussion include the science of adrenal fatigue, fight or flight, biohacking, ketosis, the power of prayer and getting “bonked.”
Notes: Stephanie Lincoln, a Health by Design Patient and a former Army Captain (CPT) was recently rescued after spending 56 hours lost in the Olympic National Forest after a technical error led her down the wrong trail. Her story is one of persistence of the human spirit. In this episode, CPT Lincoln shares how her entire life trained her to survive without sleep or food for 56 hours! Physical training, being fat adapted, planning to fail and the power of prayer are all part of her survival story. Stephanie shares her physical rescue as well as an unexpected spiritual awakening.
Most people don’t wake up everyday expecting to encounter a life or death situation like Stephanie did but being prepared mentally and physically can be life saving. Ask yourself if when push comes to shove, will your body show up for you and perform in the way that you expect it to? If not, please use the tools and information in this podcast and in the links to get on a healing journey and build up your reserves today! It’s never too late to start your healing process. There is Hope! Your Body Heals!
Links: https://fireteamwhiskey.com/
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Episode 2: A Story of Nutritional Healing
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
On episode 2 of the Weird Works! Podcast, Dr. Kristy Harvell interviews Jasmin Wooden, owner of Blue Sage Cuisine. Jasmin discusses her story with chronic health issues and how nutrition helped her heal her body. To learn more about Health by Design go to www.healthbydesignfl.com . To learn more about Jasmin Wooden and Blue Sage Cuisine go to https://www.bluesagecuisine.com/
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Episode 1: Taking Control of Your Health
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
In Episode 1 of The Weird Works Podcast, Dr. Kristy Harvell sits down with Health by Design Practice Manager and Disabled Army Veteran April Caldwell to discuss how she took control of the fate of her own health by seeking alternative health care for her chronic medical conditions.
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Welcome to the Weird Works Podcast!
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Welcome to the first episode of Weird Works! This podcast was designed to create a space where conversations about alternative healthcare topics can occur in an open platform without judgement. This podcast will provide the evidence that you need in order to make informed decisions about your health, to empower you with the facts that you need to take your health into your own hands and to encourage you that There is Hope, Your Body Heals!